Join UoM Sport for 25 days of advent! Each day we will be sharing some fun fitness challenges, quiz questions and more…


Screen Break: Mindful Movement with Amy

Step away from your computer, and put down your phone… This class will teach you skills that you can break down and use in smaller sections throughout your day, or enjoy in this longer sequence designed to help your muscles and mind unwind from the stresses of desk- based life. Your twenty-first century body, all scrunched up and stiff, will thank you for it. (42 mins)

Question of the day:

What is it called in tennis if the server’s foot is over the baseline?

Answer at the bottom of the page. 

Daily Challenge

 Join Matt for a fitness challenge each day of advent!



Trivia of the day:

The Manchester Bee symbolises the industrious nature of the city and its people and was adopted in the 19th century.

Question of the day answer: Foot fault

Thanks for joining us today! Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for more!