Christie Championships Scores 2024

Final Result


Christie Points


Sport Liverpool Leeds Manchester
Badminton (Mens) 1 2 3
Badminton (Womens) 1 2 3
Basketball (Mens) 1 2 3
Basketball (Womens) 3 2 1
Canoe Polo (Mens) 3 1 2
Canoe Polo (Womens) 3 1 2
Cheerleading 1 3 2
Climbing -1 3 2
Cross Country 3 2 1
Cue Sports 2 1 3
Equestrian 1 2 3
Fencing (Mens) 2 1 3
Fencing (Womens) 2 3 1
Football (Mens) 2 1 3
Football (Womens) 1 2 3
Futsal 3 2 1
Golf 2 3 1
Gymnastics 2 3 1
Handball (Mens) 1 2 3
Handball (Womens) 2 3 -1
Hockey (Mens) 1 3 2
Hockey (Womens) 2 3 1
Indoor Cricket (Mens) 2 3 1
Indoor Cricket (Womens) 2 3 1
Judo 2 1 3
Korfball 2 1 3
Lacrosse (Mens) 2 1 3
Lacrosse (Womens) 2.5 2.5 1
Netball 1 3 2
Rugby League (Mens) 2 3 1
Rugby League (Womens) 2 3 1
Rugby Union (Mens) 3 2
Rugby Union (Womens) 2 3
Sailing 2 1 3
Squash (Mens) 1 2 3
Squash (Womens) 2 1 3
Swimming 1.5 3 1.5
Table Tennis (Mens) 1 2 3
Table Tennis (Womens) 1 2 3
Tennis (Mens) 1 2.5 2.5
Tennis (Womens) 1.5 1.5 3
Trampoline 2 3 1
Ultimate -1
Ultimate 3 2
Volleyball (Mens) 1 3 2
Volleyball (Womens) 1 2 3
Waterpolo (Mens) 2 3
Waterpolo (Womens) 2 3


Fixture Results



Badminton (M) Manchester 8 – 0 Liverpool
Badminton (M) Liverpool 3 – 5 Leeds
Badminton (M) Manchester 8 – 0 Leeds
Badminton (W) Manchester 7 – 1 Liverpool
Badminton (W) Liverpool 2 – 6 Leeds
Badminton (W) Manchester 8 – 0 Leeds
Basketball (M) Manchester 49 – 32 Liverpool
Basketball (M) Liverpool 40 – 45 Leeds
Basketball (M) Manchester 50 – 43 Leeds
Basketball (W) Manchester 24 – 57 Liverpool
Basketball (W) Liverpool 43 – 21 Leeds
Basketball (W) Manchester 18 – 42 Leeds
Canoe Polo (M) Manchester 1 – 6 Liverpool
Canoe Polo (M) Liverpool 11 – 1 Leeds
Canoe Polo (M) Manchester 10 – 0 Leeds
Canoe Polo (W) Manchester 0 – 6 Liverpool
Canoe Polo (W) Liverpool 3 – 1 Leeds
Canoe Polo (W) Manchester 2 – 0 Leeds
Cheerleading Manchester 77
Cheerleading Liverpool 69
Cheerleading Leeds 90
Climbing Manchester 2100
Climbing Liverpool no show
Climbing Leeds 3200
Cross Country Manchester 3rd
Cross Country Liverpool 1st
Cross Country Leeds 2nd
Cue Sports Manchester 30 – 26 Liverpool
Cue Sports Liverpool 44 – 12 Leeds
Cue Sports Manchester 31 – 25 Leeds
Equestrian Manchester 1st
Equestrian Liverpool 3rd
Equestrian Leeds 2nd
Fencing (M) Manchester 81 – 58 Liverpool
Fencing (M) Liverpool 81 – 55 Leeds
Fencing (M) Manchester 46 – 81 Leeds
Fencing (W) Manchester 69 – 80 Liverpool
Fencing (W) Liverpool 63 – 81 Leeds
Fencing (W) Manchester 46 – 81 Leeds
Football (M) Manchester 4 – 1 Liverpool
Football (M) Liverpool 2 – 1 Leeds
Football (M) Manchester 1 – 1 Leeds
Football (W) Manchester 3 – 3 Liverpool
Football (W) Liverpool 1 – 3 Leeds
Football (W) Manchester 3 – 1 Leeds
Futsal Manchester 1 – 6 Liverpool
Futsal Liverpool 5 – 4 Leeds
Futsal Manchester 0 – 15 Leeds
Golf Manchester 5 – 9 Liverpool
Golf Liverpool 9 – 10 Leeds
Golf Manchester 5 – 10 Leeds
Gymnastics Manchester 47
Gymnastics Liverpool 112
Gymnastics Leeds 160
Handball (M) Manchester 16 – 11 Liverpool
Handball (M) Liverpool 16 – 23 Leeds
Handball (M) Manchester 1 – 0 Leeds
Handball (W) Manchester no show Liverpool
Handball (W) Liverpool 5 – 7 Leeds
Handball (W) Manchester no show Leeds
Hockey (M) Manchester 6 – 0 Liverpool
Hockey (M) Liverpool 6 – 7 Leeds
Hockey (M) Manchester 1 – 2 Leeds
Hockey (W) Manchester 0 – 4 Liverpool
Hockey (W) Liverpool 0 – 4 Leeds
Hockey (W) Manchester 0 – 2 Leeds
Indoor Cricket (M) Manchester 69 – 111 Liverpool
Indoor Cricket (M) Liverpool 67 – 107 Leeds
Indoor Cricket (M) Manchester 44 – 46 Leeds
Indoor Cricket (W) Manchester 0 – 1 Liverpool
Indoor Cricket (W) Liverpool 69 – 109 Leeds
Indoor Cricket (W) Manchester 0 – 1 Leeds
Judo Manchester 5
Judo Liverpool 1
Judo Leeds 0
Korfball Manchester 13 – 3 Liverpool
Korfball Liverpool 10 -7 Leeds
Korfball Manchester 10 – 4 Leeds
Lacrosse (M) Manchester 10 – 1 Liverpool
Lacrosse (M) Liverpool 3 – 2 Leeds
Lacrosse (M) Manchester 12 – 2 Leeds
Lacrosse (W) Manchester 8 -11 Liverpool
Lacrosse (W) Liverpool 8 – 8 Leeds
Lacrosse (W) Manchester 8 -17 Leeds
Netball Manchester 38 – 22 Liverpool
Netball Liverpool 28 – 47 Leeds
Netball Manchester 20 – 31 Leeds
Rugby League (M) Manchester 6 – 30 Liverpool
Rugby League (M) Liverpool 10 – 38 Leeds
Rugby League (M) Manchester 0 – 54 Leeds
Rugby League (W) Manchester 4 – 12 Liverpool
Rugby League (W) Liverpool 4 – 26 Leeds
Rugby League (W) Manchester 4 – 20 Leeds
Rugby Union (M) Manchester 10 – 24 Liverpool
Rugby Union (M) Liverpool no fixture Leeds
Rugby Union (M) Manchester no fixture Leeds
Rugby Union (W) Manchester 60 – 0 Liverpool
Rugby Union (W) Liverpool no fixture Leeds
Rugby Union (W) Manchester no fixture Leeds
Sailing Manchester 5
Sailing Liverpool 3
Sailing Leeds 1
Squash (M) Manchester 5 – 0 Liverpool
Squash (M) Liverpool 1 – 4 Leeds
Squash (M) Manchester 4 – 1 Leeds
Squash (W) Manchester 5 – 0 Liverpool
Squash (W) Liverpool 4 – 1 Leeds
Squash (W) Manchester 5 – 0 Leeds
Swimming Manchester 43
Swimming Liverpool 43
Swimming Leeds 62
Waterpolo (M) Manchester no fixture Liverpool
Waterpolo (M) Liverpool 8 – 9 Leeds
Waterpolo (M) Manchester no fixture Leeds
Waterpolo (W) Manchester no fixture Liverpool
Waterpolo (W) Liverpool 7 – 9 Leeds
Waterpolo (W) Manchester no fixture Leeds
Table Tennis (M) Manchester 15 – 2 Liverpool
Table Tennis (M) Liverpool 1 – 15 Leeds
Table Tennis (M) Manchester 16 – 0 Leeds
Table Tennis (W) Manchester 6 – 1 Liverpool
Table Tennis (W) Liverpool 1 – 3 Leeds
Table Tennis (W) Manchester 5 – 4 Leeds
Tennis (M) Manchester 4 – 2 Liverpool
Tennis (M) Liverpool 1 – 5 Leeds
Tennis (M) Manchester 3 – 3 Leeds
Tennis (W) Manchester 5 – 1 Liverpool
Tennis (W) Liverpool 3 – 3 Leeds
Tennis (W) Manchester 6 – 0 Leeds
Trampoline Manchester 148.9
Trampoline Liverpool 203.05
Trampoline Leeds 475.6
Ultimate Manchester no show Liverpool
Ultimate Liverpool no show Leeds
Ultimate Manchester 0 – 1 Leeds
Volleyball (M) Manchester 2 – 0 Liverpool
Volleyball (M) Liverpool 0 -2 Leeds
Volleyball (M) Manchester 0 – 2 Leeds
Volleyball (W) Manchester 2 – 1 Liverpool
Volleyball (W) Liverpool 0 – 2 Leeds
Volleyball (W) Manchester 2 – 1 Leeds




























































































































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